CATI DROID 002 是另一隻球狀貓形機械人,外形較001為流暢,面下則部份是一個活蓋掩,隱藏了一些機關,(下一次再畫機關說明圖),前肢是兩隻鉗狀的手,雖然看似很具殺傷力,但力量如冒險樂園的鉗玩具遊戲一樣。為什麼沒有腳?沒錯,未來的機械多是漂浮在半空而懂得走動,所以這個亦不例外。基本上CATI DROID 002是另一隻寵物機械人 。創作背後
CATI DROID 002 is another spherical cat style droid, the form is a bit smoother the 001. The face mask is actually a cover. There are some secret equipments behind the cover. (I will draw the explaination diagram next time) You can see there are two forceful pincers like robotic limbs on his front but they are actually very weak in power. In the future, robots are usually float in the air, so legs are not required. Basically CATI DROID 002 is just a pet droid.
Behind the scene
I feel the design is not so successful this time because the original plan is to create a cutie droid. I think I was too much affected by the image of Gundom robotics styles. It is still a long way to go to achieve a successful original style design.
Hi Miko,
looks great!
I would like a ride inside tho
如果要圓潤的,我想 cati droid 001 比較附合。
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